Afghan Cultural House in Non-Profit Organization and that established a dynamic cultural centerKabul. The center offer different services and provide a unique opportunity for young andactive Afghan generations that currently suffers due to limited or even not available opportunities inthe society.This center opens a window of hope for the Afghan people, especially for the women and younggeneration who are ignored or isolated from the community. The center also will promotepositive culture among Afghan people and giving an opportunity for the Afghan people toexpress them and demonstrate their ability and capacity. The center will promote citizen journalismthrough conducting trainings and workshops that will increase Afghan's participation in their ownaffairs by furnishing a forum for open debate which is critical for an emerging democracy. Citizenjournalism also will foster alternative source of information, opinion, and analysis that is organic andmore credible to the Afghans rather than current information distribution channels in Afghanistan.The training component of the center is well furnished with active and professional expert who willconduct short and long courses in different subjects including but not limited to blogging, proposalwriting, leadership, photo journalism, human and women rights.The Afghan Cultural house also will be a place where people can read Books from its library useits high speed internet and eat fast food with friendly and open space. This center is a place forchatting, finding friends, establishes internet base communication and getting information andnews. People can have pleasure time by reading, chatting and working on the internet. All theservices provides in subsidy costs that will enable the center to reimburse some of its cost andalso giving value to its services. The center will organize a movie night, in which documentaryand academic movies will be displayed and the director of movie will introduce his/her movie. Thecenter also will arrange annually a film festival that will invite short films and documentaries fromall over Afghanistan and outside of Afghanistan. Story and poetry evening is another part of socialgathering that cultural house will organize that young writer and poet can read it for their friends andaudience and talk about. Afghan Cultural House has five major program components:
1. Training Center
2. Afghan Blogging Association
3. Library
4. Café and Restaurant
5. Gallery